Should you believe in ghosts, gods and fairies? Do you believe in ghosts? Demons? Angels? Do any supernatural beings exist in your mind? These are all good questions and hotly debated. With all the paranormal shows on television today the number of people who believe in such things is growing. Not that long ago, before…
Category: Ghosting 101
What do you really know about ghosts or spirits? Maybe you might learn something.
How To Find a Ghost Hunter
Finding a Ghost Hunter may not be as simple as you think. Regardless, you think your house is haunted and you want to find out for sure. What would be the logical next step? Contact a paranormal society/hunter organization and invite them in, of course! Well, maybe. Let’s slow this down a bit and think…
Exorcising Evil Spirits
What’s It Take To Exorcise an Evil Spirit? Need to exorcise an evil spirit from your life? Let’s start by dispeling a common myth in the paranormal world. It does not matter what method of banishing evil spirits (exorcising) and blessing you choose to remove unwelcome spirits from your life. Yes, it’s true. What you…
Smudging – North America
Smudging and Native Tribes Many Native American tribes have used smudging as a traditional means of bringing about balance to their environment such as ridding the home of illness, loss, even spirits that are unwelcome to name a few. In many cultures outside of North America, there are similar practices using herbs or other material…
Shadow People
Shadow People We’ve heard a lot about Shadow People on numerous paranormal shows on television. From these shows, some label them evil, others misunderstood, and others, alien. What do they want? Why are they here? Where Are They From? The term “shadow people” was first brought up in 2001 on the Coast to Coast radio…
Orbs – Are They Real?
Orbs! Orbs! Everywhere! Orbs, one of those hotly contested supposed paranormal, occurrences. Many in the paranormal field won’t even dain to talk about or consider them in any serious paranormal discussions. Granted, many of the pictures we see of “orbs” are most likely bugs or dust flying in the air. But what about the ones…