Okay, we’ve picked on all the females out there on paranormal shows in our article titled “Victims All” Now let’s turn our eyes to the buttholes, aka “The Guys”. Often conspicuously absent from the home, the husbands/fiancé’s/boyfriends think the women and children are crazy. They don’t experience the same thing therefore it can’t be happening. Egos kill, sometimes people and most often, on these shows, their relationships and deservedly so.
Butthole-a-tude Dude!
Guys, the reason you aren’t experiencing anything is these spirits go after the weak and vulnerable. That makes you outside the haunt zone, a very enviable place to be Tush wipe! And one that requires compassion, understanding and, hey, hows this for something: ACTION! Don’t keep telling them they’re crazy, F***ING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Man up!
Finally A Plan!
How about this. Send your kids and your woman away for a week. Now, spend that week all alone in the same environment you leave them in every day. To maximize your chances of experiencing something be sure to sleep with your door open. Being naked and vulnerable won’t hurt either. Watch a marathon of ghost shows which will let the spirits know you’re open to the idea. Finally, stand in the middle of your room, each night, and shout out to the spirits you want to communicate in any way they choose.
Let us know how it goes will ya?